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Monday, October 23, 2006

Fake or Fact or In Between

The more savvy students of politics know that there is truth in political statements and more often than not there is something else. This something else can be an outright deliberate lie intended to misdirect and deceive. It can be a partial truth. It can be a carefully worded statement that suggests any one of a number of things which are understood only through careful parsing. It can also be many other things as well.

I do not know where the truth is in this story. I have assembled a number of links which present the story but differ in their version of the truth.

The story involves an American military munitions depot AKA ammo dump in Iraq near Baghdad. On or about October 10, 2006, the ammo dump either came under enemy fire and was either partially or completely destroyed. Also it may not have come under attack but still was partially or completely destroyed.

Secondly there may have been no injuries to American military personnel connected to the ammo dump. Or there may have been a large number of injuries and possibly many deaths as a result of the explosions.

Let's take a hypothetical case where the dump came under enemy fire and many people were killed, say 100 soldiers. There are many reasons why a story like that would be suppressed or covered up. Certainly this would not look very good anywhere, particularly in America. No need to go into the political ramifications of this scenario. But they are huge.

On the other hand there are many reasons why this same hypothetical case could be one that is trumped up by a very clever enemy. All kinds of reasons come to mind about that, including the very same reason as the one above, it could prove to be very embarrassing politically particularly in America.

Allow me to make a personal statement here. I love our American soldiers. These people are brave and wonderful. I grieve when I hear of a single death and this month of October has been difficult.

Follow these links and decide for yourself. Where is the truth?

If this is true than our troubles are much much worse than I ever thought

BBC story on the blast at the US ammo dump

Blog on massive explosions

Another view from

Another view from The Independent

Another view from Wikinews


From Contains references to transport planes carrying casualties

Video of explosions on Google This appears to be an ammo dump exploding from January 15, 2006. How many ammo dumps have been destroyed? What gives? Is the date a mistake?

Photos of an ammo dump explosion aftermath

Iraq casualties

Operations back to normal according to

As reported on ABC News

As reported at the Guardian in the UK

As reported on This is similar to the original lengthy liberty forum report.

Something on a craigslist from who knows where

Photo is of 'Miss Atomic Bomb' - Lee Merlin

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