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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Change it

The violence in Iraq continues unabated. This Yahoo News article attempts to calculate the thousands of Iraqi police killed in the last two years alone.

There are several articles that I've read suggesting that the Bush Administration is changing its thinking on Iraq.

This first article is from the BBC: Republican Senator John Warner is suggesting major changes in Iraq policy.

This next article from delves into the idea of a new CIA inspired coup d'etet to overthrow the present Iraqi Prime Minister, al-Maliki, and install some form of government that is deliberately NOT democratic. Just when you thought you could no longer tolerate listening to GWB mention a democratic Iraq, turns out you may not hear that anymore. Iraq may be in for another "strongman" dictator chosen by Bush and company. Here is a particularly salient part of this article written by Robert Dreyfuss:

excerpt 1: Some outside experts who have recently visited the White House said Bush administration officials were beginning to plan for the possibility that Iraq's democratically elected government might not survive.

excerpt 2: ''Senior administration officials have acknowledged to me that they are considering alternatives other than democracy,'' said one military affairs expert who received an Iraq briefing at the White House last month and agreed to speak only on condition of anonymity.

Just to make a quick recap:

We went into Iraq to destroy weapons of mass destruction that were a threat to the USA. Turns out there were no WMD and in fact there was no military threat to the USA whatsoever.

Then they said we went into Iraq to depose a cruel and vicious dictator who openly savaged his own population. Turns out that now the Bush Administration is looking to install a new dictator.

Also we were told that we went into Iraq in order to spread democracy throughout the Middle East, where we would be seen as liberators. Turns out that the Bush Administration is now looking at "other forms of government" that are not democratic for Iraq.

All Cindy Sheehan wanted to know was, what is that just and noble cause that my son died for in Iraq?

The answer seems circular, absurd, and fundamentally flawed. It is a war designed by the neo-conservatives way back in the late 90s. Bush allowed the events of 9-11 to build public opinion, through deception, to allow for the neo-con inspired Iraq War to begin. As the war progressed major blunders were committed by Rumsfeld that helped to spark the insurgency. As the insurgency fuels a civil war in areas of Iraq that is tainted by complete dissolution of any semblance of orderly society, the Bush Administration is now looking for new ways to bring order to Iraq which include a possible CIA coup d'etat intent on installing a new dictator.

No doubt the next step will be for a new neo-conservative movement which will want war in Iraq to remove a brutal dictator installed by the USA in 2006-7.

Is it making any sense to you now? When I started this blog a few months ago, I really had no idea what I was going to write. This type of news is the sort that makes me want to throw all caution to the wind and try to write nothing but sarcastic criticism about America. The problem is, I dislike sarcasm. I see it as stepping backwards. But how do you comment on this shit? I mean this stuff is totally whacked. Its like some deranged twisted sadistic sick shit head is making this stuff up as he goes. We're supposed to go along with this? You gotta be kidding me. Maybe Kafka could make this stuff up, Catch 22 didn't even come close.

Painting by Gustav Klimt

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