Thursday, April 05, 2018


Salon: Why Mueller’s move on Trump is the beginning of the endgame - The special prosecutor’s findings will probably be public before the midterm elections by Jefferson Morley, Alternet


Glynn Kalara said...

Trumpf is an expert at one thing and it's all he needs to evade capture that one thing is called Plausible deniability. Like all Mafia bosses he will throw everyone else under the wheels when push comes to shove. An example is just yesterday with the Stormy D. case. He denied ever knowing about the hush money payment and that might be true he is more then willing though to toss his longtime Atty. Mr. Cohen to the dogs if need be isn't he? So this shall go. Even if by some remote chance Mueller does claim he's Obstructed Justice whose going to do anything about that? The Dems. aren't going to Impeach him next year after they possibly take back the House Nancy P. already said she's not interested. So, this goes absolutely nowhere and anyone think Mueller is going to save us from 2.5 more years of this klown is just dreaming. The way back is going to be hard fought and local state by state and the GOP has long prepared to fight us tooth and claw.

Jim Sande said...

I hate to agree, but you are right. After 1.5 years with Twittler, the absolute absurdity has sobered up to reality. He will be here for another 2.5 minimum. Yet it's still nice to know that Mueller is still there. It's like a tiny ray of light of possibility.