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Monday, April 30, 2018

The Questions

NY Times: Mueller Has Dozens of Inquiries for Trump in Broad Quest on Russia Ties and Obstruction By MICHAEL S. SCHMIDTAPRIL


Glynn Kalara said...

He already knows the answers and just wants Trumpf to lie under oath about them. Trumpf will want the questions up front so he can arrange how to lie about them. He will never voluntarily allow the FBI to question him NEVER. This leaves the whole thing in a very interesting place. As I see it watching this drama here's what's happening. In Trumpfworld anything goes to WIN anything even treason if necessary. Trumpf stage managed the Russian connection from day one or before knowing the Russians were his partners and that even if he lost the election his consolation prizes from the Russians were worth breaking the laws for.Or were they? He probably even figured if he won he could use his AG to cover up all his crimes and that's why he's so pissed off at Jeff Sessions who in his criminal mind betrayed him. Jeff didn't, he did what a lawyer was supposed to do. Trumpf wants to be a Dictator this is far from over.

Jim Sande said...

I like your summation. It seems completely plausible. I agree, the consensus seems to indicate that Mueller knows all the answers and that team Trump leaked the questions. Yes, Trump figures that his position as president gives him enough authority to sweep all of his connections under the rug, all of it. It is of course unconscionable and the Trump cult is completely brainwashed and happy to assist, convinced that Trump is a great person and is the object of a deep state witch hunt bent on destroying Trump. I simply hope that in time justice will prevail. Nothing is going to happen to Trump, he will not go to jail, he won't face any consequences regardless of what happens. Our best hope to get rid of Trump is to somehow vote him out in 2020.