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Friday, December 15, 2017

One Can Hope

The Palmer Report: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein declares war against Donald Trump


Glynn Kalara said...

Yea, he's right about this one. Rod , did what he had to to save Mueller and himself. The agents involved in this have to realize that anything they say or do is being parsed very carefully by the otherside in this. The Trumpists and their Russian allies are deadly serious about turning America into a Russian aligned hard right semi-Dictatorship. They've come far in the last year and they're almost there. Most people don't realize that Donald's election was just the beginning of the Russian invasion. Now that Putin and his team are "inside" our Gov't they're not so easily evicted as we can all see. Trumpf is a Trojan Horse and the Greeks / Russians are inside the walls. Rosenstein, Mueller and Comey knew it and are along with their allies in the CIA, NSA and other parts of the Gov't are fighting back against this invasion. Right now things are going well for our side but that could all change in a moment depending on what TrumPutin does next.

Jim Sande said...

Trump is in a bad way. It sounds like his entire day is organized in a way that keeps him distanced from anything that might cause him some trouble. He is in a deep bubble. America won't tolerate this shit, the vast majority already do not. I think Mueller is safe for now. If Mueller gets out one more indictment, it's going to be hard for Trump to ever stabilize, not that he ever has in the past. The next indictment is probably a whopper. I just hope it comes out sooner than later. As far as the GOP working to undermine Mueller, well, we saw this coming as well.