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Friday, December 15, 2017

Getting Closer

The Daily Beast: Trump’s Numbers Near a Tipping Point - Things fell apart for Nixon when he dropped below 30 percent approval in his second term. Trump is getting there in his first year. by Eleanor Clift


Glynn Kalara said...

Hopefully, Mueller will further hammer those numbers south. The GOP though is doing everything it can to stop the investigation or to claim it's just a partisan witchhunt. Trumpf's zombie army hangs on and we still haven't had a major Nat'l emergency he can use to consolidate power. That's probably coming this year is my guess.

Jim Sande said...

I have to say to me it's a real crap shoot. The possibilities are all over the map from Mueller nails him to Mueller gets fired. I just have to place my faith in the majority of Americans who know he's damaged goods.