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Tuesday, October 03, 2017

The Day

The Palmer Report: The day the Presidency died


Glynn Kalara said...

Maybe, Donald has done us all a big favor by killing the position off. It's become way too powerful this past 150 yrs. Maybe, we'd be better off without an elected King, maybe we put too much credence and too much faith in this office? Even our best Presidents of the past 100 yrs. have done awful things. Woodrow Wilson instituted the Palmer raids and had terribly racist legislation passed. Franklin Roosevelt sent Japanese Americans citizens into prison camps and never lifted a finger to help the European Jews even when he could have even symbolically. Truman incinerated 250K Japanese with nukes when it was probably unnecessary. Eisenhower presided over a decade of red baiting and racism that had no place in America . Kennedy almost blew up the world in 1962 in the Cuba Missile crisis and Johnson took us into the disaster of Vietnam. Nixon was a traitor and a criminal. Reagan was also a traitor and bueied us in an enormous debt and recession. BV$H 1 fumbled the end of the Cold War by not helping the Soviets land softly opening the door for Fascism and Putin in today's Russia. Clinton ended the effective regulation of Wall st. opening the door for the greatest Recession in 80 yrs. BV$H 2 fumbled the ball at 9/11 and took us into another Vietnam in Afghanistan and a useless awful unecessary War in Iraq besides crashing the economy at the end into the 2nd great depression. Obama fumbled Healthcare giving us a disasterous GOP developed Healthcare plan OCare that is just another Wall st. big Corp. giveaway which led directly to Trumpf and the destruction of the Presidency.

Jim Sande said...

It's funny but in some ways having Trump as president is like learning you're an orphan at age 64. Trump is the ultimate expression of GOP YOYO policy, we are in fact now completely on our own. There's no one to look up to in that office today. Trump has no personal traits that are of any value whatsoever or to be admired. He's about as course, rude, belligerent, angry, and obnoxious as it gets. Now is the time to find your real heroes and to appreciate that.