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Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Salon: Donald Trump isn’t taking the Paul Manafort indictment too well: report - A White House in chaos by Matthew Rozsa
"The walls are closing in. Everyone is freaking out," one senior Republican told The Washington Post.


Mark said...

Yes, but here's the thing:

The Weinstein domino continues to take down public figures but our groper in chief continues untouched (no pun intended) for the same allegations. I think "the base" as it's described in this article will continue to keep him afloat.

Jim Sande said...

I don't care if they if support him or not truthfully. Anyone who thinks this guy's character is presidential needs new glasses and a hearing aid. Bottom line is he's going down and if he doesn't, he's going to be a lot dirtier and harried for it.

Seadog said...

You cannot merely hurt the King you have to behead him ( at least remove him from the throne.)