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Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Slate: The Mueller Three Versus the Watergate Seven - Trump is in much deeper trouble today than Nixon was in September 1972. By Leon Neyfakh


Seadog said...

TREASON is I believe the ONLY crime mentioned in the Constitution. Trumpf is a traitor and Mueller knows it. Proving it though against a sitting President is going to be high drama and Mueller and his team know it.

Jim Sande said...

Yes, you are probably right. It would be amazing to know what Mueller knows now, today. He's been laser focused on this for months and with a team of the most savvy lawyers out there. Trump still holds the pardon power, and the firing power. Mueller needs to get off another good shot or two to cripple Trump. How does Trump fire Mueller for example if Don Jr or Kushner are indicted next. That's tricky to pull off. One might speculate that Trump wants to pull the plug right now as well. He doesn't know what's coming and after the next series of indictments it's going to be tough putting the genie back in the bottle. Some say that the genie is already out enough with Papadopolous.