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Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Foreign Policy: Republicans Have Stockholm Syndrome, and It’s Getting Worse - The GOP has stopped resisting President Trump and started accelerating his race to the bottom. By Max Boot


Seadog said...

Whose surprised? I expected him to try and get the GOP to make Russiagate about Hillary and Obama and even to try and arrest one or both of them, That this kind of thing would be without precedent in the US doesn't seem to bother Donald. If he's allowed to get away with this I expect him to become even more emboldened. The Dems. seems like deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming semi. Instead, of screaming bloody murder about this, they are instead attacking their left and are going after Bernie Sanders and his following. Doesn't that make any sense to anyone?

Jim Sande said...

I think you are correct, the Democratic Party as a whole must be out there and shouting down Trump. I do hear things on my local NPR affiliate that make me think some Dems are taking this seriously, especially in terms of the 2018 Congressional races. My sense is that the Dems are relying all too heavily on the media. The media as an institution is decidedly against Trump - NYT, WaPo, NY Magazine, Atlantic, Newsweek, Boston Globe, Guardian UK, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, and on and on. This is versus FOX Breitbart etc. It's a weird time man, It's hard to really gauge it all. How much is tilting towards Trump how much tilting away. Now I thought that one could argue that yesterday was a Trump disaster, then I just read a CNN article about how Tuesday was good for Trump! There's a lot of spin going on, but we know this, he's nuts. The man doesn't have a decent character. He's ugly through and through. This is where the country gets frayed around the edges. It's only a matter of hours before Trump finds a new low to troll. I keep hoping some of his supporters get the freakin rose colored glasses off. Somebody out there has got to wake the f up, he's poison.