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Friday, October 20, 2017


NY Times: Trump’s Road to 2024 by Roger Cohen
Trump winks at white supremacists, thrives on confrontation and debases the Oval Office. But it would be a huge mistake to conclude from this that his defeat is inevitable; or that his supporters do not include millions of decent, smart Americans who just view the world differently.


Jim Sande said...

I've noticed a lot on the left have allowed this to go on. I do not support it at all. I'm still shocked to find out someone could possibly vote for this extraordinarily deformed human being. Trump has virtually none of the characteristics of a leader. He's a zero. How people turned a blind eye to his character is beyond my understanding and also beyond my acceptance. I am suspicious of Trump voters. Trust this person as far as I can throw them. I can be friendly, but this is not someone that I would trust at all.

Seadog said...

I agree with your statement about trust. Anyone who turned a blind eye to this man's obviously extremely serious character flaws because of an so called email server and a ton of GOP propaganda aided at the end by the Russian Dictator and his Gov't has some issues they need to deal with. What I've seen in most of the ones I know is a scary dark side that this man brought out from where they were hiding it. I won't forget it exists in them.