Monday, August 15, 2016

'Overwhelmingly White' And Extremely To The Right

Salon: The Trump vote: New data reveals hints as to who is most likely to pull the lever for Trump - A new Gallup analysis undermines some assumptions about Trump voters, and confirms that race plays a huge role by Simon Maloy


Glynn Kalara said...

I believe it. I just had a Trumpite as a house guest and I got her to own up to why she's for Donald and it was all about who she hates. She thinks it's wrong that she can't be open about it. ( PC ) Muslims to her are all bad and probably terrorists, blacks are all moochers and sub-human, Hispanic folks are all illegals and probably bad as well and the list goes on. Ge-Zeus loves white people etc. This from an educated person no less, but when I asked her where she got her news. Right, it was all from the usual sources particularly FOX news. She was and is a bubble person. I didn't waste any time discussing politics with her after that.

Jim Sande said...

Ge-Zeus - ha! good one. Yeah, she sounds about right. You said it from the start - he hates the right people, he hates the people they hate, or at least he says he does. He could be scamming that too, who knows.