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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Conservative Crisis

  I just read this sentence in an election article on CNN: source
Although people have speculated for months that Trump would pivot to a mode more appealing to the wider audience of general election voters, as opposed to the conservative base of the GOP, he has continually failed to stay that course.

  This is very confusing to me because I do not understand how a GOP conservative can align themselves with Trump, the alt-right candidate. Let's say we are talking about a GW Bush, McCain, and Romney supporter from 04', 08', and 12', candidates/president who were supported by the conservatives. The conservatives brought in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, possibly the biggest foreign policy change/'initiative' over the last two decades, and this is something which Trump has mocked, just as he mocked Jeb Bush and his neocon advisers. Trump has gone out of his way to mock the war and mock Clinton for her yea vote although not mocking Pence for his yea vote. How do you call yourself a conservative when the present candidate refutes the major policy initiatives laid out by conservatives themselves over the last 16 years. It strikes me that the conservative movement is in trouble, having an identity crisis of sorts, what is it at this point, what does it actually stand for because Trump has wrecked the model. How do you vote for the orange guy and call yourself a stalwart conservative.


Glynn Kalara said...

The right finally went off it's own self-made cliff into the la la land of the so called alt. right.

Jim Sande said...

I guess that's it. You'd think at this point someone like McCain who is the elder statesman of conservatism would be jumping up and down like a George Will and refuting Trump, but he doesn't. He's a team player and he needs to make sure his roster is full, and that's about it. It's about rooting for your team, I'm convinced that this is it for most of these guys, Yankees versus Red Sox. It's that shallow. I say this because nothing else about this f-d up election with the GOP makes any sense to me anymore. You'd think bringing in the editor, if you can say editor, of Brietbart News, if you can call that news, would be a disqualifier. The ref jumps out on the field and yells foul, because this is f-ing foul, this is bullshit. This is just like if the the Grand Wizard came out and became Trump's adviser, same thing. Just read the comment section at Briebart. Nothing is more screwy except perhaps something on an ISIS comment board, if there is one and there probably is.

Glynn Kalara said...

With any luck, the GOP will self destruct this year at least at the Nat'l level. Truth is it's become a deeply Reactionary racist organization for many decades, but it hid behind it's elite elements up till now. It's looking like tRump's new team is trying to stuff him back into that bottle before Labor Day. They'll fail, tRump's appeal is to people that are deeply disaffected from both parties. He's the Tea party candidate of the so called alt. right ( AKA the KKK and Neo-Nazis elements of the GOP.) He's a candidate that for all his pretensions has crawled out of a sewer. Sadly, there are plenty of FOX news watchers that have been primed now for a generation to vote for him and they will.