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Friday, June 24, 2016

Yes, Please, Dump, Dump

  Please, lots of dumping.

NYT: Dump-Trump Group to Show Ad Aimed at G.O.P. Delegates By JEREMY W. PETERS


Glynn Kalara said...

The revulsion of some among right wing elites is amusing considering that tRump has won the nomination fair and square and did it without spending a fortune. He won because his belifs are in line with what the base of the GOP actually believes and it rankles the shit out of these people for some reason. tRump simply tore off the phony mask the GOP has been wearing to reveal its true nature to the world, which is a White Nationalist party or as I like to call it KKK lite.

Jim Sande said...

KKK lite - perfect, I'll remember that one. The thing I like most about this whole dump Trump thing is that it throws a lot of the GOP into disarray. IMO, a GOP in disarray is less dangerous.