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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

We Are Screwed

Guardian UK: America's gun problem is so much bigger than mass shootings - To save the most number of lives, it’s the everyday violence – not just the mass shootings – that we need to prevent by Lois Beckett , Rich Harris, Nadja Popovich, Jan Diehm and Mona Chalabi
In the US, more than 10,000 Americans will likely be killed in gun murders this year. Another 20,000 will likely be lost to gun suicide. The total number of gun deaths and violent injuries will be close to 100,000.


At said...

Guns liter the landscape and Americans are fed a steady diet of violence through the media. Violence and War ( massive violence) are seen as the only solution to problems. Don't have any $$ shoot yourself, or rob a bank or a friend.

Jim Sande said...

It's so tragic, we just can't move off the dime on this. Whenever there's any suggestion that a semi-automatic weapon needs to be more carefully monitored, the gun lobby and it's associates immediately jump into panic mode and start fabricating stories of fear about confiscating weapons and taking constitutional rights away. As a friend of mine likes to say, up to last week, they didn't even know how to spell the word constitutional...

Glynn Kalara said...

The NRA is owned by the arms dealers. They use fear and lies to sell more and more guns. The guns have been fetishized into religious idols. People who own them use the ownership of them to fill a void of powerlessness they feel in their shabby lives. It gives these losers a sense of power.

Mark said...

Informative and chilling:
Making a Killing