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Friday, February 13, 2015


Pick it up at 1:57 to see Sarah Palin's most amazing moment ever. This clip has been highlighted in recent weeks as you know but here's a refresher. Unbelievable, and the GOP wanted her as the VP.


Glynn Kalara said...

Dumb as rock, that's one reason why they love her in Redland.

Jim Sande said...

Can you imagine this woman leading the country.

Gary Panos said...

She is inciting violence. Heavy "this is war" rhetoric.

You can't see it too well from this clip, because they cut to a wide shot, but she says basically "when the left points fingers of accusation at us, we should point our fingers right back" ... and then she makes a gesture like shooting a gun.


Jim Sande said...

She's in the mold of the tactless politician.