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Sunday, February 08, 2015

Right Of Right Of Right

  I want to take issue with West Virginia GOP-er Brian Kurcaba who has stated that pregnancy can be a marvelous silver lining to being raped. First off there are so many things wrong with this statement that it's difficult to start taking it apart. I will focus on only one aspect though. The GOP-er is actually inadvertently exposing his salacious mind because he is imagining rape occurring to a woman of child bearing age. I would like to point out that rape unfortunately happens to male and female infants, male and female children, male and female teens, male and female adults, and male and female seniors. Let me also point out that among people who are raped that would include those who are physically and mentally incapacitated. The senator is actually exposing his salacious mind by focusing on healthy women of child bearing age only. Consequently what is the 'silver lining' for all the other people male and female who are raped. When taken in full context on this one single point Brian Kurcaba arises as someone with a sick mind or he is simply hopelessly stupid and tactless. Rise up West Virginia.

AlterNet: 6 Nutjob Right-Wing Moments This Week: GOP Senator Outdoes Ayn Rand - Plus, don't forget those silver linings of rape! By Janet Allon
2.West Virginia GOP-er: Pregnancy can be a marvelous silver lining to being raped.

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