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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Getting To Know You

  One of the more onerous policy slants of both Jeb and Walker from Wisconsin is the elimination of public education. Walker is slashing budgets in Wisconsin, it's unprecedented and so destructive.

AlterNet: 9 Ridiculous Jeb Bush Quotes Turned into Hilarious Motivational Posters - Jeb Bush is a silly person. By Justin Carissimo


Glynn Kalara said...

The right wants to eliminate all Gov't that lies beyond that which serves the BIG Corp. interests. They want the schools, police, schools, water and sewer, roads, parks etc. privatized , meaning sold off to these same large Corps. All they want left is a tiny elite at the top with all the power public and private. They want a fig leaf democracy with as many restrictions on who votes as possible. All of this adds up to what is best described as a Plutocracy. In essence they want to return to the America of the founders, so when they talk about original intent this is what they are talking about.

Jim Sande said...

It's a formula for pure misery, no matter how you slice it. Call it authoritarians being authoritarians - there's so little big picture awareness in these people it's mind boggling. It's all about control and holding everyone imprisoned in a thousand pointed payment plan for every little damn thing you can imagine.