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Sunday, October 05, 2014

Ben Affleck Vs Bill Maher Battle Over Radical Islam

The clip has created a stir.


Glynn Kalara said...

I thought Ben's defense of Islam was lame. The truth is Sunni and Shia Islam are medieval religions that are largely unchanged for the last 500 yrs. Now that said, their are branches of the faith like the SUFIS that are totally non-violent, but for the most part like Christianity its a faith that readily has used violence to spread itself far and wide. Today there are 1.5 bil. Muslims and if only 1% of them were violent Jihadis that's still 10.5 mil. people. Its more likely that that no. is more like .001% or less, but a much larger number are in sympathy with these people's aims.

Jim Sande said...

I found the scholar guy sitting next to Maher to be interesting, he had good talking points, he was memorable. In this conversation Ben is emotional and that generally leads to a heavy handedness that misses the mark. Violence is violence, it's not religion. Religions are there to help people find peace of mind, calmness, a sense of meaning, they're no there to maim the world. When maiming happens, something else is in charge, but it's not religion.