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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Con Fido

  I've been contemplating confidence lately. I do that periodically, choose a theme and then bring it to mind for a few weeks, explore it's meaning for myself and how others might experience it.

  So I looked into the components "con" and "fident". "Con" in this case means "with" and not to "con" someone out of their money for example. "Fident" is Latin third person future plural of "fido". Remember your high school Latin - "o" or "m", "s", "t", "mus", "tis", "nt". Here we have "nt". Fido means to have faith and yes dogs got the name fido referring to faithfulness.

  So summing up confident we get, and this is my own notion based on the above - with faith as we move forward. But with a little poetic liberty we also might get - moving forward with a dog. As a dog owner I prefer the latter meaning.

1 comment:

Ed said...

I get the con part as an intensifier prefix:

con-, 2. used with certain words to intensify their meaning. (wiktionary)

The fident part is about trust or truth, like fidelity, bonafide.

Wiktionary lists four definitions to think about:

1 Self-assurance.
2 Expression or feeling of certainty.
3 The quality of trusting.
4 Information held in secret.