Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Market On Thursday

  Good morning. It is 41 degrees and clear here in Upstate NY. I was up earlier than usual today, out walking the dog in the predawn dark air. It was stunning, the stars were so clear and vibrant, I walked with my head looking up into the sky. Sometimes you just need to look at a star filled sky. I wish I knew the geography of the stars, I do not. But I still get a body/mind charge out of it, we all do.

  At 8:50 a.m. E.T. futures are moderately higher and the price of oil per barrel is up. The market is poised to open higher.

  I do not know the details yet but allegedly there is a GOP proposal to raise the debt ceiling level. This alone is apparently causing the premarket boost. Look, if it's a GOTea proposal, it's a loser.

CNN: Stocks head for gains on debt ceiling proposal
House Republican members and party leadership sources told CNN that leaders are working on a proposal to raise the debt ceiling temporarily, while the government would remain partially shut down.

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