Monday, October 07, 2013

The Market On Monday

  Good morning. It is cloudy and 64 degrees here in Upstate NY. The damp rainy-ish weather of the past 4 days might be continuing for another day, we shall see. I hope you had a good weekend. I tried my best to stay away from the news as I'm beyond angered by the utter nonsense coming out of the G.O.Tea. The extortion tactic is a loser, as the same people work to convince Americans that they are just hapless dupes in a larger plot. Certainly the right wing lunatics will believe it.

  At 8:50 a.m. E.T. futures are significantly down and the price of oil per barrel is down. The market is poised to tank at the opening bell.

  Once again place the market drop delicately balanced on the pointed little miserable heads of the G.O.Tea. This is Boehner's leadership present to America. At some point financial power players will have a serious heart to heart talk with Mr. Boehner and explain that he cannot continue to aggressively tank the world economy.

CNN: Stocks braced for another day in the red
...a looming debt ceiling crisis is stoking fears of a possible U.S. default.

... a "subsequent meltdown of global asset prices..."

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