Thursday, December 29, 2011

You Vill Obey - Ya Vol!

After you sign the loyalty oath, you must also sign a purity oath and offer DNA samples...

I made the last part up but I had you there didn't I. That's right, its heading in that direction.

Richmond Times Dispatch: Va. GOP will require loyalty oath in presidential primary
Anyone who wants to vote must sign a form at the polling place pledging to support the eventual Republican nominee for president. Anyone who refuses to sign will be barred from voting in the primary.


Ed said...

Is there a little "All Germans are Nazis" in the headline?

Just askin.

Jim Sande said...

Of course not Ed.

Ed said...

I know, yah, of course... but the language is the only reference. I'd be offended. It's not like you said something about Colonel Klink or something.

I guess it hit me because I know so many Germans.

Jim Sande said...

Actually Colonel Klink was who I had in mind when I wrote the headline.