Saturday, September 05, 2009


We are watching the HBO series "True Blood" which is about vampires and Southern culture.

In episode five of their first season, they mention "tipsy cake."

Never heard of it, so I googled "tipsy cake", and here's the recipe.
1 pound stale pound and/or angel food cake
3 tablespoons jam (any flavor desired)
1 ounce Irish whiskey

5 ounces sherry
1 (4-serving size) vanilla pudding and pie filling (not instant) or 2 cups warm homemade custard
2 cups lightly sweetened whipped cream or nondairy topping

1. Break up the cake or cakes and gently mix the jam throughout, the mixture does not have to be completely even. Place in a glass bowl.
2. Mix sherry and whisky and sprinkle over cake. Press down lightly.
3. Prepare pudding mix according to package directions and pour warm pudding over the cake. Chill.
4. Spoon sweetened whipped cream over top and serve.

Makes 4 servings.

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