Monday, September 07, 2009

Nikkei Is Flat On Tuesday

The photo is from People Of Wal Mart. Is it legal to go out like that in public? Who knew...

After the G20 meeting this last weekend, there is a new "renewed optimism."
"The current equity rally has further to go," Morgan Stanley said in a note. "A growth cycle is starting, we intend to buy on weakness." source
If the pattern remains true, then we are due for a new renewed fear that the recession is worse than expected. Who knows it could be two days or two weeks out. Typically the Fall is a poor time for equities.

I just wish financial journalists could reinvent their wheel.

Hey, Obama was upbeat today, telling Ohio that the promised land is around the corner.

Reuters: Nikkei flat as financials sink, chip shares gain


Glynn Kalara said...

I'm starting to think Obama is as deluded as BV$H. He really believes his own speeches about Green jobs etc. LOL, maybe he should take a look at the latest stats. NO new jobs were created in the last 10 yrs! But these fools just keep giving Wall st. cash! WTF!

Jim Sande said...

I can still stomach it better than Bush. Bush had no vision other than fighting terrorists for the rest of infinity. Eventually maybe in a few centuries, there will be green energy. Although by then people will be paying for it through the nose.

They keep giving Wall Street money because there are trillions of dollars from 401ks and IRAs invested from what remains of the middle class. They still have some political clout. Obama has to keep some of the elite onboard.

Glynn Kalara said...

What your saying is the oligarchy of Wall st. has a gun to his head. Watch what happens to his poll nos. after he tries to sell the shit taco of so called health reform that is being squeezed out of the bowels of Congress. It should be called the "2009 Health Industry Welfare and Relief act."