Friday, September 11, 2009

The Market On Friday

At 8:00 a.m. futures are slightly up.

Investors are pleased with comments from Geithner with talk of a post economic debacle exit strategy.

Things are that good?

Why do I personally not feel quite so trusting of this new found optimism. Well besides the obvious massive unemployment issue and millions of foreclosures on tap, we can recall that the recession roared in with very little warning. Bush and company were too busy pushing assets into the hands of the wealthiest to bother to notice that the middle class was becoming the nouveau poor.

We have good reason to be a little jumpy.

Perhaps it would also be a show if American strength for markets to rally on the anniversary of 9-11. Am I becoming a cynic...

Reuters: Futures edge up after Geithner comments, China data
Geithner said on Thursday that with a strengthening economy the government can end some of the extraordinary support put in place for markets and prepare for a slow recovery.

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