Sunday, September 13, 2009


Republicans have their own method for participating in the democratic process. Its called making a complete fool out of yourself while acting as boorishly as possible.

Unfortunately we expect this. Its called a double standard where the opposition has the manners of a two year old in need of a potty.

Obama needs to get it into his head that this level of maturity does not know reason, compromise, debate, or any known human method for arriving at consensus. Therefore you forge a little progress with the support of your own base.

Joe The Lout Wilson's outburst was premeditated. He was gaming for a flood of appeal and hoped to galvanize his crazed based.

McClatchy: Rep. Joe Wilson, gentleman lawmaker or lout?
Mark McKinnon, a prominent Republican strategist based in Austin, Texas, who has advised President George W. Bush and Sen. John McCain, called for Wilson's election defeat next year.

"That is the only way to change the political discourse in America today," McKinnon wrote...."Because as long as louts like Joe Wilson can spout off and call the president a liar and get rewarded with re-election, then louts will continue to spout off. And we will continue to claw our way to the very bottom of the political swamp."

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