Thursday, September 10, 2009

Life Under A Bridge

Think the recession has wiped you clean?

Read the Truthout article on life under a bridge in a tent city. This would be in Rhode Island.

Truthout: Camp Runamuck: A Glimpse of the East Providence Homeless Community


Glynn Kalara said...

Just the beginning of what's to come as millions are destroyed by joblessness and then what follows homelessness and then starvation. This is where our sad country has fallen. This is the fulfillment of Pres. Ronaldo Ray-gun's dark dream. A return to a kind of Corp. feudalism complete with walled cities for the wealthy and tent cities for the increasingly impoverished masses. Grab the old movie "ZARDOZ" from the 70's to see where this is going.

Jim Sande said...

I hope we are better than that, but I fear the same things.

Glynn Kalara said...

Were not take my word on it. People have been dumbed down by decades of right wing Agitprop. The right has it's shock troops and terror groups ready to be it's death squads when the time comes. Read what happened in the south after the Civil War for a preview.