Saturday, September 19, 2009

CNN - Anorexia

This is a disturbing clip. It lightly examines web sites where women can proudly show off their skeleton revealing frames, websites that support and approve of anorexia. It just shows how powerful the web is in the sense that people's connection to it is strong and real. For many, virtual is utterly real. The need for support is strong and in this case the direction is upside down.


Glynn Kalara said...

"You can never be to thin or to rich" goes the old saying. WRONG! Maybe to rich, but you can be to thin, just ask Karen Carpenter.

Jim Sande said...

Young women have it tough. There is so much media blitz about how to look and all of that stuff. Its a lot of pressure.

Anorexia seems to fit right in with pop culture. You make a splash then die out. Kids need to be shielded and parents have to do better with talking to them.