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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

America's Healthy Future Act

You can download a pdf file of the America's Healthy Future Act here. Its 223 pages long and anything but easy reading. God help us...

McClatchy: Baucus releases health care blueprint with no public option
Its highlight is the creation of co-ops. "These plans can operate at the state, regional or national level to serve as nonprofit, member-run health plans to compete in the reformed non-group and small group markets..."

Baucus said he'd pay for his plan primarily by reducing Medicare costs...

1 comment:

Glynn Kalara said...

Max should be ashamed but he's not because ,well he's not. The curtain in DC when it's pulled back is ugly, isn't it. Guys like max are what they are paid for employees of BIG CORP INC. Keep in mind friends Health Care Ins. Companies DO NOTHING,they are parasites.