Saturday, March 07, 2009


Very interesting article here by none other than neo-con David Frum. Frum is connected with PNAC and the entire consortium of neo-con think tanks. If you get a chance to hear Frum speak, beware. His delivery is about the worst of any, incredibly rushed, arrogantly conservative, and light on information.

Regardless, its always fun to watch conservatives of any stripe attack one another. Here Frum takes on Limbaugh, of all people.

Frum is clearly at a crossroads. If you read the quote I have clipped below, it sounds like Frum has actually done an almost impossible feat for a conservative - Frum has listened to the other side, can repeat what the other side is saying, and seems to have somehow brought it in internally as if it were an important point.

Newsweek: Why Rush is Wrong
We need to put free-market health-care reform, not tax cuts, at the core of our economic message. It's health-care costs that are crushing middle-class incomes. Between 2000 and 2006, the amount that employers paid for labor rose substantially. Employees got none of that money; all of it was absorbed by rising health-care costs. Meanwhile, the income-tax cuts offered by Republicans interest fewer and fewer people: before the recession, two thirds of American workers paid more in payroll taxes than in income taxes.


Glynn Kalara said...

FREE MARKET what?? Enough with this free market BS. Never has been a free market and never will be! It's a Private economy and those without $$$ need not apply. Free market is the Rights using Orwellian new speak to confuse the rubes out here. Getting rid of the Ins. scammers is what we need and soon. Cut these parasites off our BODIES like the lice and vermin they are! We have a Nat'l health care system already called Medicare. EXPAND IT is all we need to do and put a VAT on everything in this country , starting with Lawyers fees. Enough, with this BS the Pols only need to bring the heads of the Health systems of the top ten Ind. powers on Earth and have then explain how they do it. Will they? NO. They'll allow the so called Health pirates to write the bill , just like they allowed them to write the lousy Drug rip off bill. So much for change.

Jim Sande said...

I found it to be amazing that the guy even mentioned employees, the people on the bottom. This is not something we hear coming from Republicans along with an admission that during the reign of a Republican dictator that wages went down. I would agree though, free market basically means the wealthy corporations can do whatever they want in any country and plunder as necessary.