Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Plouffe On Limbaugh And Republicans

Plouffe worked vigorously for the Obama campaign with great success as we know.

Here he lays out the Republican perspective and how they are seriously missing the point.

WaPo: Minority Leader Limbaugh
Obama's recovery package contains the biggest middle-class tax cut in history. It will create or save at least 3 million jobs. In every community, district and state, its impact will soon be felt...But no matter what the eventual impact, congressional Republicans have staked out their position: steadfastly opposing something most Americans see as reducing middle-class taxes and creating jobs when the country needs those outcomes most.


Glynn Kalara said...

The bloated swaggering face of Drug Rush Limpdick is the accurate portrait of the REAL Rethugliken party today. Run RUSH run!!

Jim Sande said...

The guys starting to sound like Mussolini.