Here we have Bush poised to suspend the first amendment after the attacks of 9-11. This was revealed with Obama's release of some Bush memos.
So, Bush was willing to literally destroy the fundamental building block of our democracy, just like that.
Now the party is attacking Obama for what - attempting to destroy the democracy. Of course the Republican definition of democracy allows this to occur. This would be the conflict between democracy proper and corporate capitalism. Guess which side the GOP favors.
How can we take these guys seriously.
Newsweek: Extraordinary Measures
In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, the Justice Department secretly gave the green light for the U.S. military to attack apartment buildings and office complexes inside the United States, deploy high-tech surveillance against U.S. citizens and potentially suspend First Amendment freedom-of-the-press rights in order to combat the terror threat, according to a memo released Monday.
Democracy and freedom to the Right is all about the wealthy having the rights to do as they please with their money and our bodies. As people like Drug Rush Limpdong and "Amphibian" Gingrich see it voting rights should be restricted to wealthy white Christian males only.The peasants ( the rest of us) in GOPworld shouldn't even have the right to vote. Actually, the GOP's philosophy isn't far off from the founders position, of course that was 260 yrs. ago. As conservatives always say they're all about preserving the "best" of the past. I guess what was best in the past is still up for discussion.
Its interesting in that the communication between democrats and republicans is worse than ever. How does any of this stuff ever get resolved. Is it that we are simply destined to see which group can out thug the other. Right now we have the upper hand but the problems are so deep that its going to take time. People can't wait.
I have a GOP friend that's wealthy very wealthy. I spent an hr. on the ph. with her, mostly listening. What I heard scared me. She seemed so completely dis-connected from the world I know. She talked on and on about her and her husband sending their$$ offshore to safety and how the Dems. are ruining the country in just 1 month and how a Civil War might happen etc.. The fear and the breezy way she talked about Civil War etc. Delusional? I hear it all day long now from every right wing media source etc. The party is over for these people and they seem shocked. It reminds me of how I felt on dec. 12 , 2000. I knew then what was coming, or at least i thought I did. It was far worse in may respects now that I look back. For her and her class though it was a time of great prosperity and success. 25% of the country my friend lives in a totally different head space then the rest of us. They believe that they won and more to the pt. the rest of us had NO RIGHT to take their victory from them ...EVER. her loathing for democracy was the most scary thing of all. Over and over again, she said democracy was theft when you raise her taxes. I guess they felt it was a free ride that the rest us deserve to pay for? So many myths make up their view of the world and it's going to be a long time trying to change that, if ever.
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