Friday, May 02, 2008


Reuters: Obama fights perception he is elitist
In an interview on NBC's "Today Show," Obama said both his rivals, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican John McCain, come from more privileged backgrounds than he did.

"The irony is, I think it is fair to say that both Michelle and I grew up in much less privileged circumstances than either of my two potential opponents," said Obama.
If a man is articulate, intelligent, bright, and direct then obviously he must be an elitist.

America, that is tragically pathetic.

1 comment:

Jim Sande said...

Yes, its turning pretty dirty. I think that's because there is the idea that America likes that. We like to see the candidates get dinged up and then like to see who remains standing. Obama is going to get peppered with this Reverend business, I doubt its going to go away. They try to exploit a perceived weakness then go for the jugular.

McBush gets the soft glove treatment. That's from years of his growing relationships with the media. He wines and dines them and now its payback time.