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Thursday, August 30, 2007

One Hand, One Heart, Another Gay Republican

I feel bad for all these conservative Republican homosexuals and there just doesn't seem to be an end in sight to that list, no pun intended. After all, having to live with a disconnection between one's self righteous and pompous moral preachments and the reality of one's personal life, that just can't be fun, especially when it involves something so intimate as sexuality.

The problem is simple. Most people could really care less, excepting the mouth breathers but that goes without saying. I don't really care who Craig, or for that matter any other gay conservative Republican, wants to play with. Its the reeking stench of hypocrisy that makes everyone wince.

The theorem should go something like: the deeper your moral damnation of others, the higher the likelihood that you are queer and/or engaging in the activity that you are condemning.

The Republican Party has a lot of explaining to do.

In honor of Craig and all other homosexual Republicans, (Is that being redundant?) here's 'One Hand One Heart', with music by America's one and only Leonard Bernstein.


Jim Sande said...

If I were a betting man, I'd say Graig is gone in 1 to 2 weeks.

I would also bet that in his earlier years, Craig saw a path to becoming the career professional and that he wasn't going to allow his little 'perversions' to stand in his way or influence his world role.

That is one messed up dude. Tragic. Craig spends the rest of his life trying to live this down. He never figured he would get to this point because of his deep connections in the party.

Glynn Kalara said...

He never thought picking up guys for casual sex in airport mens rooms might come to haunt him some day? Shows you just how friggin delusional these people truly are. But, then look at who leads them and you can understand why so many of them think it matters little what they do.