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Saturday, August 11, 2007

No End in Sight

A documentary on Iraq that has the White House a little nervous.


Glynn Kalara said...

Get ready for IRAN! These guys aren't finished. You and I and most of humanity know how badly we screwed it up in Iraq but To Cheney and BV$H its a enormous success isn't it? I mean all of their friends and contributors are a hundred times wealthier then before the war doesn't that mean we won? In other words depending on whose measuring what counts as success u have success or failure. Hey, I'm sure by Hitler's measure he did a pretty good job in WW2.

Jim Sande said...

"I mean all of their friends and contributors are a hundred times wealthier then before the war doesn't that mean we won?"

Scary but true. The only plausible reason left for why they went into Iraq was to simply crank up the military industrial complex and its most recent incarnations ie the new mercenaries, along with trying to master control of the oil.