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Saturday, August 04, 2007

Democracy is Coming

There is a video clip making the rounds of the internet where Senator Dodd of Connecticut argues with BillO about the Daily Kos and its upcoming annual meeting which brings together progressives from around the country. Dodd defends the Daily Kos and O'Reilly predictably smears it.

O'Reilly consistently has it wrong. Judging by the tone of his voice, he seems to be playing the role of the devil's advocate. At best he is doing a weak job of reading his talking points.

The real reason why the Daily Kos event is important and of immense value is simple. This gathering is what democracy really looks like, people peacefully assembling to discuss the issues of great importance in their own lives, in their own society, and how to gain the power necessary to affect positive change. Its a beautiful thing.

This is what happens in a democracy Bill. People are allowed to speak their minds no matter how disturbing that might be because we have freedom of expression. And for record Bill, your daily gibberish is well into that same disturbing zone. In fact it is unconscionable.

The gathering also rouses fear in the failed daddy war party because it is something they can't control. O'Reilly seeks to control it by heaping negativity on it and attempting to marginalize it. That strategy will not work, because the momentum of the progressive net roots is much too great and dedicated.

In short this is also the explanation for why corporations want to privatize the internet. Corporations also fear the arising of democracy. All of a sudden you have people asking the really scary questions like - "how come you don't want unions", "how are you dealing with all that pollution", "why are you wrecking the environment", "why do your workers not have health benefits", "why are you contributing massive sums of money to the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute when these think tanks have pushed an illegal, immoral, and disastrous war."

Authoritarians and dinosaurs need to take note. Democracy is coming to the USA. Daily Kos is leading the charge.


Glynn Kalara said...

I wouldn't count the dinos out quite yet. They still hold almost all the high ground. Even the Demos. are still dancing largely too their tune. Witness the disgraceful pandering this week by Reid and Pelosi to BV$H over this outrage of an attempt to re-write FISA. This after BV$H's illegally spying on all of us now for 6 yrs!! What does this man have on the Demos. that scares them so?

Jim Sande said...

The only thing about the Dems that I read that explains their ineptness, is that they want Bushco to self destruct as much as possible with very little of their own resistance. They want to walk into the White House and gain more seats in the House. It may backfire on them, who knows, but from my point of view its a disgraceful tactic, because they are playing with people's lives and Bush should be impeached.

Glynn Kalara said...

Do these fools really believe BV$H and his allies have spent th last 6.5 yrs. carefully accumulating power to just hand it over to Hillary or Obama? if they do their bigger fools then I already believe they are.