Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Nobody Knows

Yesterday I posted about the new Presidential directive that allows Bush to assume complete control of all the government, essentially creating the new position of Dictator in a supposed democracy. The mitigating factor would be some catastrophic situation, perhaps an attack on the US by terrorists from Iran for example.

National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive

A deep operative has wisely pointed out that this rather significant change in the tradition of the US is getting virtually no media attention.

Now correct me if I'm wrong here, but what about the so called liberal media?

Well, there is no liberal media, never was one, ever.

If there was a liberal media this would be the number one headline until somebody had a chance to squash the directive.

The list does not bode well:
A President that is the least popular President in decades and simultaneously removed from any of the implications of that non popularity.
An enemy that is ill defined, diffuse, and can pop up anywhere.
Iran, which is clearly in the gun sights.
A proclivity towards squelching dissent, removing basic American rights like the right of Habeus Corpus, along with illegal surveillance.
A Presidential personality that does not do well with outside advice, democratic process, or diplmacy.

Is it time to start speculating on an upcoming catastrophe?

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