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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Lazy and Busy

There's a humorous article out on CNN:

Why gasoline prices are rising while oil isn't

Humorous because the answer is extremely simple, and doesn't require a financial magazine snow job to duck the reason.

Its called monumental greed. Specifically it is monumental greed backed by an equally greedy government administration.

Laziness is both epidemic and in remission. There is active laziness like mindlessly sitting in front of endless depressing sitcoms, rarely funny, rarely clever, predictably bland, vapid, but always popular and always ready for the taking. Sitcoms are the whore of laziness.

There is passive laziness like sitting and staring at the ceiling and wishing life was 180 degrees different.

I suppose there is depressive laziness where the overwhelming psychological pain deflates ambition of any sort. I don't know any figures on this, but I bet its very very common.

I took a yoga class one time with the theme of working with depression. At the time I wasn't depressed but I took it anyhow thinking I could use it in the future or tell somebody about it. The instructor made us move, much more that a regular class. The idea was to simply get active and moving.

On the other hand, everybody is incredibly busy. Nobody has any time anymore. People can only talk for so long because they have to get going, get back to being busy. Talking isn't busy enough, you have to be excited. And so we get busy to get excited.

Excited is the new busy. Over-happy is the new smile. Ascending exciting impressive busy along with descending and depressive laziness is the new even temper.

There's a certain business to George Bush in Iraq. He wants to keep the war element busy. Maybe that's what the neo-cons are. They just want to keep busy, stay active, keep a war active and busy. Unfortunately Iraq is no longer exciting for everybody. Bush is active though , he insists its active.

Maybe we need a lazy leader, someone with no ambition and no excitement. We need a president that stares a lot. Somebody that doesn't want war because they're too lazy, its too much trouble.

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