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Monday, September 18, 2006


As I have mentioned before, the volume and intensity of the criticism being leveled at the Bush Administration is really picking up lately. Three related pieces from Sunday, demonstrate this.

Frank Rich in the New York Times, discusses the truth or lack thereof in recent statements by Bush, Cheney, and Rice. He examines the all too well seen methods that this trio uses to sidestep issues or avoid head on confrontations over the actual facts as they are occurring. Recall Cheney regularly sidestepping issues by using his well worn "I haven't read the story," here in reference to Senate Intelligence Reports that contradict all of the "mistruths" used by the trio to sell the Iraq War. From the NY Times as found via Truthout:

Rich rips Bush, Cheney, and Rice

Even though we are told that the President will "stay the course" on Iraq, there is a select group which includes Bush Sr. ally, instigator of the 2000 election ballot counting halt which led to Bush's victory, and top lawyer for Saudi royalty, James Baker. These guys are trying to figure out how to salvage the unsalvageable. Expect to see some "major" new understanding come out of the Bush Administration directly after the November elections. As found in the Washington Post:

James Baker in Iraq

Addendum: It occurs that here Baker plays the same role as the Harvey Keitel character in Tarantino's Pulp Fiction. Recall how Keitel is brought in to clean up the mess. Bush has Rove as strategist/ advance scout dragon slayer, and now he has Baker as clean up man. Somebody could start a business providing these services for the young go getter.

Finally, as I am extremely opposed to the use of torture by Americans on enemies or enemy combatants, or anybody else for that matter including our own citizens, I praise Republican Senator Lindsey Graham for defending the Geneva Conventions as they are, and presenting an obstacle to George Bush and his interest in rewriting the articles in a way that allows for torture. You can find a video clip of Graham on Crooks and Liars, John Amato's website which is an excellent resource for up to date clips of TV interviews with major political figures.

Woodcut by Jacob Matham

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