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Friday, December 24, 2021

RoF - Experts Think Trump Wanted To Use Military To Seize Power On January 6th


Glynn Kalara said...

Of course he did, but he failed. The Officer Corp. in US is trained from the Academy on and from the ranks on up that they swear an oath to the Constitution NOT any person not even the President. However, there is the bitter memory of the Civil War when the nation split along regional lines and so did the military. Trump found out that day MOST of the military hated him. They still do.

Jim Sande said...

Thank goodness for that. Originally I was thinking that Trump or his allies deliberately stalled the guard from entering the Capitol allowing the rioters to do more damage. Now it appears to be that the guard deliberately did not want to come into contact with Trump. I wonder who it was that ascertained that the rioters were not capable of seizing the Capitol, lots of unanswered questions here. The entire event is almost like Trump playing out some sort of tantrum in order to please his massive narcissistic ego.