Thursday, December 30, 2021

MSNBC - Concerns For Democracy Grow Ahead Of 2024


Glynn Kalara said...

The Dems. are a rubble heap not a party. The Retrumplicans are a fanatical Kult built around it's love for one of the worst humans on the planet and a set of deeply reactionary beliefs and grievances against most anyone that isn't a white Conservative Christian. The retrumplicans stick together and they VOTE. The Dems. Only seem to be a party in emergencies. Once they get in power they squander their opportunites to do critical stuff. Both parties are owned by BIG Corp. $$ just different factions of that money. The Hdgts of reTrumplicanism is Houston, Texas and the OIL barons. The Headqtrs. of the Dem. Big $$ is Wall st. and Del. Delaware is where all the BIG Corps. are registered and it's Biden's home state. The Dems don't seem to care that Trump and his Russian handlers are systematically hammering American Democracy apart one voting district and State at a time. The Dems. for some reason think all you need is the WH to rule. They are going to get hammered again in mid-term elections as they did in 2010. As I said, They don't seem to care. Or worse, if they do care seem unable to do anything about it.

Jim Sande said...

Honestly, I'm trying not to think about it too much because it's all an unbearable thought. I'm not sure I can live in this country under full out authoritarian rule, I'm not sure if I've got much of a choice. But I'm going to be looking into it.