Wednesday, December 01, 2021


  It is possible that today will be the day that the Supreme Court overturns Roe vs. Wade. I would encourage you to read the NY Times article posted below by Michele Goodwin. In the article she tells the horrible story of how as a child she was repeatedly raped by her father, and how an abortion helped save her. On a different but related topic, society must recognize the pain and suffering, the panic and confusion that young girls in a sexually abusive family, experience. Sexual abuse has to stop. This pain haunts people throughout their lives. I had a friend who was sexually abused by her father, she carried that confusion and pain throughout her life. She died of early onset dementia, age 62. Right before her death and tragically, this was probably the only time in her life when she did not experience that memory of her childhood. One gets the sense that the religious right would prefer to sweep all this tragedy under the rug and simply chalk it up as some kind of divine, happy, and tolerable plan.

  I would also encourage you to read the article on nurdles. Nurdles are the tiny pre-plastic pellets that are polluting the oceans. Wildlife mistake the pellets for food, and that contamination goes right through the food chain. The harsh irony is that nurdles are not really a top priority in our approach to a cleaner environment. Clearly action needs to occur.

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