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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Morning Joe - Steve Kornacki Breaks Down Possible Election Scenarios


Jim Sande said...

The people I know would agree. One thing that has changed in my neighborhood at least to date, is the people with Trump signs in 2016 do not have yard signs out this year. I live in a very blue town, but I can assure you that Trump supporters in a very blue town are just as adamant as the ones from all red areas.

Mark said...

Your Tr**mp supporting neighbors have had four years of him being their guy except for perhaps "not liking his brash presentation". Maybe they're just a weeeeeee bit embarrassed to put out their signs. They're just as adamant, but quieter.

Then again, no sign could be a sign.

Jim Sande said...

Biden will sweep New York with ease. If we lived in a swing state, it would definitely make me wonder what the deal is.

Mark said...

Swing state or not, I wonder what the deal is. We paint our neighbors simply, but are merely people like us, with more nuance and layers. To understand them is to understand ourselves.

Jim Sande said...

People are complex, we have many layers. Most of these layers are very much the same, we need food, shelter, we need survival, a few don't want to survive. We have language, we breathe, we walk, and have hair, hearts, feet, and different amounts of money. The central conduit for all of it is the mind. The mind picks and chooses what layers to put in the foreground of ones life, and chooses what to put into the background. Some people choose to put their identification with a tribe in first place. If you are not part of their tribe, you are suspect. What you can learn from a tribal person is how to be patient.