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Friday, October 30, 2020

That He Has

 Washington Post: The Daily 202: Five Reagan White House lawyers endorse Biden, saying Trump has ‘fomented hatred’ By James Hohmann

1 comment:

Glynn Kalara said...

The GOP has been fomenting hatred since Nixon. Nixon is the real model for Trump not Reagan or BV$H but all of them used coded racism to tell their rabid base they were on their side. Trump just dropped the subterfuge and said it out loud. It was all of these people that brought us to this ugly place. I hope after this election their is some deeper soul searching among these people. The strategy the GOP has set for itself since Nixon is basically one that involves destroying democracy as we have had it it for the past 50+ yrs. They want to put the chains back on certain minority groups and they want to shackle woemn to their wombs as well. It's only been working up till now because they've faced a weak opposition unsure of it's majority and it's power to govern effectively and for the people that put them in power. Hopefully, this terribly close call with real fascism will also have the Dems. wake up to how dangerous a place the country is in now with or without trump. If we manage to escape him.