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Thursday, October 29, 2020


  It's important to point out that Trump has essentially done nothing of any value whatsoever. Did he bring jobs back to the rust belt? No. Did he unite the country? Are you serious. Has he effectively fought the battle with a pandemic? Only in his special mind but in reality the pandemic is surging in the US worse than ever. How about the economy, is it the greatest economy ever in American history? Last count millions upon millions of more people are out of work and something like 10 more million have been pushed into poverty. Trump keeps saying he's done more for black people than any president except I'm pretty sure exacerbating racism and giving the green light to white supremacists is not helping black people. And this is only a partial list. Add it all up and it is a record of jaw dropping failure.


Mark said...

I'd like to be devil's advocate and say that Tr**p has (unintentionally) provided something of value. Starting with the 2016 primaries, he revealed the man behind the curtain by ripping the curtain down. The pageantry and facade of running for president crumbled instantly and I think that it provided us an opportunity to be more honest with our candidates (and possibly, ourselves). We can chose this opportunity as a force of good if we want to evolve our democracy. Some emerging candidates (Buttigieg/Harris/O'Rourke/Warren) are more real, whole people with flaws in full display! Tr**p's legacy is mostly horrific, but this "side effect" can be good, if we run with it.
What think you?

Jim Sande said...

That's a lemons to lemonade approach, and I like it. The comment I made I posted on the NY Times website. My intention was simply to pile on against Trump in the hope that it would help fuel in a tiny tiny way, any movement away from Trump and towards Biden. If Trump wins, everything that you are suggesting becomes a moot point unless the resistance is stronger and much more vocal.

Mark said...

If Tr**p wins. God help us...

Glynn Kalara said...

Trump is NOT going to Win. If he stays President that's a whole other thing.