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Wednesday, October 21, 2020


 CNN: Mitt Romney says he did not vote for Trump in the 2020 election By Manu Raju and Paul LeBlanc,


Mark said...

Like Stefanik, Romney's criticism is of the "pre approved safe variety". His voting record belies his brave critic of the bad bad president.

"...Yet despite his criticism of Trump, Romney has been a loyal GOP vote and plans to vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court..."

Jim Sande said...

He doesn't like him as a person but he fully approves of his policy.

Mark said...

So? For a preeminent senator, upstanding god fearing man, that's not much of anything.
When does one just do the right thing?

"I don't like him personally or his brash presentation, but otherwise he's my guy" has been the rallying cry for Tr**p apologists for 4 years. Separating the message from the messenger can be a discerning and helpful practice, but in this case, it means nothing. Sorry, but Romney gets no credit for this whatsoever.