Monday, December 02, 2019

Won't Budge

The Atlantic: A Theory for Why Trump's Base Won't Budge - The president has followed the predictable course for narcissism in one way, alienating many who have served in his administration, and defied expectations in another, by continuing to attract an adoring core by Dan P. McAdams - Psychology professor at Northwestern University
...research shows that people high in narcissism tend to show more anger and hostility when challenged or insulted, compared with people low in narcissism. They show sharper mood swings, oscillating between exuberance and negativity. As they rage against those who cross them, they make enemies.


Mark said...

What an unhelpful article. This isn't a theory. Trump is the sun and his followers are Icarus. So those that fly close enough burn up (his former hires) while his base keep a safe distance, are in no real danger and so continue to worship. Tell us something we don't know!

Jim Sande said...

I liked the article more about the explanation of narcissism. It seemed more detailed. Interesting though that those that get close to the guy learn to detest him. I wonder how Kellyanne Conway remains, although she is sounding more and more obsessed lately.

Mark said...

Sure, the more nuanced we can be on a topic like narcissism keeps us from generalizing and hunkering deeper into our chosen tribe. But we don't need more "theories" about why people stick with Trump. We created him and continue to nourish him. He is us.