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Monday, December 30, 2019


  Can we stop calling them 'false claims' please. They are lies.

Washington Post: President Trump has made 15,413 false or misleading claims over 1,055 days By Glenn Kessler, Salvador Rizzo and Meg Kelly
As of Dec. 10, his 1,055th day in office, Trump had made 15,413 false or misleading claims, according to the Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement he has uttered. That’s an average of more than 32 claims a day...


Mark said...

I'm not a defender of the press. They are complicit.

But it's a lose-lose situation for the press when they report plain old facts.
"Trump said XYZ without proof"
"Trump said XYZ and it's just not true"
These ARE FACTS but are received as anti-Trump by his supporters and provide constant fuel to the fire. Most "mainstream" press are stuck between a rock and hard place and haven't figured out how to proceed. When it's all lies all the time, it barely matters whether it's called a lie or some "polite euphemism".

Jim Sande said...

What you're saying is that the pressure exerted by Trump supporters forces the media to calm down the rhetoric. Yet since he lies all day long it doesn't really matter. I still say call them lies.

Mark said...

Sure, I second calling them lies. It's important to do that, but it's ceased have the weight of what a lie by a president used to carry.

My point is not that the media is forced to pull it's punches. The media is doing what it's knows to do, it's what they've always done. But they don't know how to adapt in a world where the rules have been eliminated. When the game isn't played by rules anymore, it means anything goes. Trump has muted the effectiveness of the press by rewriting the game with no rules. It's a f**kn' free for all.

Jim Sande said...

Good point. A friend was explaining on Facebook, that the media is not able to call them lies because of litigation issues. We can only call them lies to each other. Yes, there is a certain need to treat Trump as if he were a normal president, someone who has a sense of dignity and simple human reasonableness.

Mark said...

I believe we the people still value fully functioning adults in the role of president and the press are just regular people like us. We don't all get down in the dirt when the mud flies and behave like they'll be a return to "decency". It's crazy to think that Reagan and the Bushes look good as people by comparison.

The only thing good about Trump is that he's pulled the curtain off of the pretense and illusion that the president is anything but "regular". We long for "normal" but he's changed that. If there's an upside it's that this will allow for women and minorities and non traditional candidates to be considered for the position in our lifetime.