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Tuesday, June 19, 2018


  Could it be that Trump's separation policy is cover for much more objectionable policy? The attention is on the separation but what is also occurring - a space force, the US withdrawing from the UN's council on human rights, a tariff war, and perhaps the firing of Rosenstein and consequently Mueller. What we are witnessing is Trump gaining practice with navigating an incredibly unpopular policy, it's practice for firing Mueller among other things.

Raw Story: Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: Republicans plan on ‘firing’ Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein ‘on Friday’


Glynn Kalara said...

Who knows? Anything is possible now. I wouldn't doubt that TrumPutin would try to make sure that Mueller's final report never sees the light of day. Problem is if he tries to redact it or hide it my guess is Mueller has already prepared for that eventuality in some manner. He knows he's dealing with a coup by a Fascist group. He also knows Russia is in the middle of this coup. It's NOT going to go down as easily as TrumPutin thinks.

Jim Sande said...

I have to agree. Mueller is a smart man, he's aware of what he's dealing with. There has to be a network that is connected to the probe. You just know that at this point Mueller has him nailed in every direction too. I just pray that Giuliani gets his due as well.